Payment Options
Credit Card
Please contact businesslink at 1800 411 511 to make payment by credit card; the signed Agreement Form must be returned to complete processing of the transaction when using this payment option.
Payment if made by cheque/bank draft should be returned with the signed agreement form.
Cheques and bank drafts can be sent to:
Customer Care,
Gas Networks Ireland,
NSC, St. Margaret's Road,
Dublin 11,
D11 Y895
If you wish to make payment by EFT please transfer the total payment, as indicated, electronically to the Gas Networks Ireland account below. The signed Agreement Form must be returned to complete the transaction for processing.
Please state your reference number on the transaction, failure to do so could delay the processing of your payment and affect the project timeline.
Please note that once you have made payment electronically you will need to send notification to stating your reference number.
Bank Name | AIB |
Account Name | Gas Networks Ireland |
Short Account Name | GNI Projects |
Address | 66 Southmall, Cork |
IBAN | IE66AIBK93638351941658 |
Swift Code | AIBKIE2D |
Account Number | 51941658 |
Sort Code | 936383 |
Currency | € euro |