Completed Projects
Gas Networks Ireland has developed a world class gas infrastructure in Ireland. The network consists of gas pipelines: Transmission (cross-country) and Distribution (towns) networks in Ireland.
- Two sub-sea interconnectors linking Ireland with Scotland - Interconnector 1 and Interconnector 2
- An on-shore system in Scotland A spur-line (an extension of an existing pipeline) to the Isle of Man
- The North-West pipeline from Belfast to Derry in Northern Ireland
- The Mayo-Galway pipeline, to bring gas from the Corrib field into the national grid
- The South-North pipeline from Gormanston, Co. Meath, to Belfast to secure long-term gas supplies for Northern Ireland
We construct and extend the network to the highest international safety standards, in line with the Commission for Regulation of Utilities policies. If you are working in the vicinity of natural gas pipelines please visit our Dial Before You Dig page or call 1800 42 77 47.