Reinstatement process

Reinstatement of the ground is an essential component of the work we undertake when the job is completed.


Generally, in order to carry out the installation, replacement or repair of natural gas pipelines, we will need to excavate within your boundary walls and also outside your boundary walls i.e. on the public road or footpath outside.

Reinstatement of this excavated ground is an essential component of the work we undertake when the job is completed. Sometimes when carrying out excavations and reinstatement, disruption to the public road or footpath outside your property may be unavoidable, but we make every effort to keep this disruption to a minimum.

Excavation – digging the ground

Gas Networks Ireland tries to ensure that excavation work is kept to a minimum with just two holes excavated, one at the gas main (normally on the public road, footpath or grass verge outside your property) and the other hole is excavated on your property adjacent to the meter box or house entry tee.

Flower beds and grass areas

Gas Networks Ireland will make every effort not to damage flower beds and grass areas on your property. In consultation with you we will chose the best pipeline route to avoid damaging plants, flowers and lawns. However, you may prefer to remove plants or flowers temporarily in order to avoid damage due to unforeseen circumstances. If grass areas are damaged during excavation work, our crew will endeavour to repair it, including reseeding if necessary. Repairs to flower beds and grass areas may be delayed due to seasonal factors.

Typical temporary reinstatement

Reinstatement will be carried out in line with the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government and local authority guidelines. Temporary reinstatement allows time for the backfill in the excavation to settle a little, so there is a lower chance of reinstatement sinking in the future.

Temporary Reinstatement - Keeping You Informed

An example of typical temporary reinstatement

Typical permanent reinstatement

Once Gas Networks Ireland is satisfied that the backfill has settled, permanent reinstatement can be completed and will be done within 20 working days. Gas Networks Ireland cannot guarantee that the materials used for reinstatement, such as tarmacadam or cobble lock, will match with the existing surfaces, as the condition of the footpath, driveway or road will weather over time.

An example of typcial permanent reinstatement

Road Opening Licence

A Road Opening Licence may be required before work can begin. A Road Opening Licence allows the holder to excavate a section of public road, i.e. carriageway/footway and associated grass verge.  A licence is required if an individual/contractor wishes to open a footpath, road or street for any reason. 

The typical timeline for receipt of a road opening licence from Local Authorities is four to six weeks, however, please note it can take longer. Works on minor roads (e.g. within housing estates) are granted automatically.